For anybody considering a remodel of their house, the kitchen will get a great deal of attention. This is because the kitchen is often considered to be the heart of the home, the place where you will spend a large amount of time together, and definitely a space in which you want to be able to entertain. As a result, granite countertops find themselves front and center in the decor and decoration of the home. Sometimes, however, people wonder if granite countertops are really worth all the hype? After all, they tend to be very earthy in tone, costly, and require the use of experts to install them. Here are two ways to help you and decide if granite countertops are the perfect fit for your home.
#1 Visual Appeal
One of the most important things to remember about granite countertops is that they have a certain decor value and visual appeal. The minute you install granite countertops, you are adding value to your home. You're also working to make it more appealing, and there will be an additional sense of sophistication. If you plan to sell your house at some point in the future, the appeal of granite countertops will have exceptional value and could peak potential home buyers' interest. Granite provides a sense of elegance and luxury to your kitchen and bathroom, which can be a major selling point down the road. The bottom line is that granite countertops add value, both now and if you plan on selling in the future.
#2 Durability
There is another factor you need to take into consideration when considering if you want to install granite countertops. Not only are they better looking and have more appeal, but they also provide you with extended durability. Granite countertops are stronger and harder than virtually any other material used to make countertops today. For homeowners, the durability that granite provides gives you a surface that you can use for years to come. In fact, most granite countertops will outlast the house, which means you will never need to replace them. Most traditional laminate counters will need to be replaced or have rings and scratches become apparent. Granite countertops, on the other hand, are designed to last a lifetime. From an aesthetic, durability, value-added, and "never needing to replace them" standpoint, granite countertops are by far the most elegant, visually appealing, and efficient way to give yourself countertops that will last a lifetime.
Schedule an Appointment
To discuss the many benefits of granite or to go over alternative options, call and schedule an appointment. We can visit your home, discuss design ideas and make recommendations as to the best ways for turning your vision into a reality.